Once upon a time, life got crazy busy. Here are a few snapshots of how life has been going here lately. =]
I added “Mason” to my musical menagerie. I knew it was time to upgrade my fiddle when I couldn’t get the tuning pins to stay in during our autumn open house. The Lord opened the door to allow me to upgrade and get a fairly nice one at an amazing price. That was incredible!

Found Dewshine locally….epic win!

Replaced my running shoes…it’s probably time to get new ones when the bottoms are falling off of the old ones. 🙂

Fall *is* arriving at the Lambert Estate.

I snapped a photo showing the sunrise on one of these lovely autumn mornings, and thanks to many of you voting, my photo is now the cover photo for the National Weather Service – Birmingham’s Facebook page!

I’m still amazed at how many people shared/voted for that photo. Y’all are so awesome!! =]
Speaking of autumn, it brought with it the arrival of our annual open house. We had such a lovely time visiting with everyone! =] These are from the set-up:

We are so thankful for the many people who came early and helped us get the last couple of things in place. I’m sure Mama will share more pictures soon on her blog as well, but this is the only one I have from the actual event on my phone:

I loved getting to talk to everyone and especially playing music with the other musicians. It was neat to see the stage getting used officially for the first time, and to be able to take in the whole yard lit up with lights and filled with our dear friends and family. God is so good to us.
This a post-event photo. It’s shows real life, folks. Instruments all over the floor….

….when they’re not stacked in the shower stall. Is it getting out of hand? I’d still love to add a few more to the collection. 🙂

There’s been time for some reading. I’m amazed at how God sends perfect encouragement on days when I need it so very badly. <3

Some of the latest reading has been just-for-fun. 🙂

I’ve done a little plumbing…

A little singing…

A little ice cream eating…

Oh, and I got a tattoo. A glitter tattoo, that is. 😉 😉 😉

We were really blessed to have the Josties come and give a concert at our church, and then stay with us afterwards. It was such a blessing to get to visit with them for a little bit. We all wish they could have stayed longer! =]

We also picked two late-season tomatoes out of our garden. These were unexpected and much-delighted in once discovered!

All in all, God has been good, and shows His goodness to me in the beauty of the everyday blessings He sends along life’s way. I am blessed.