When asked about our honeymoon and how we planned to spend it, we answered that we weren’t sure where all we’d end up- that’s what happens when two lovers of adventure get married. 😉
Rather than plan a formal honeymoon, aside from one specific place we wanted to go to on our wedding day, we wanted to just play it by ear and see where all we’d end up. We also wanted the flexibility of going nowhere and doing nothing if that’s what we felt like that day. While our time is somewhat flexible right now while waiting on the finishing of Daniel’s immigration paperwork, we have a rather unique opportunity to structure our time how we like, and leave at the drop of a hat if we so desire.
We’ve been taking full advantage of that, haha! 😀
When we left my parent’s home after getting married, we came home and changed into more suitable clothes to climb the many stairs to the top of Vulcan! We’d made plans for months about going up to Vulcan to watch the sunset after our wedding…. the view is incredible, and sunsets and sunrises have been a favorite shared love for both of us. We couldn’t imagine a better place to go that day.
It was surreal, driving up there with just us, and being able to rejoice in the fact that we were married! I don’t think we hardly quit holding hands and stealing kisses the whole time we were there. 🙂
And looking down and seeing the wedding bands on our fingers made me catch my breath…. <3
God is just so good, y’all. I can’t even tell you how good it was just to be standing on the platform holding the hand of my best friend, whom I was now married to. Some things are just felt too much to be able to explain them in words. <3
We watched the sunset from high atop Red Mountain on Vulcan. It was magical- simply magical. We stayed nearly until closing just taking in the sight and enjoying the wonders of God’s creation through the sunset. It was perfect. Afterwards, we grabbed a milkshake and headed back home to start settling into life in our little home in the valley.
It was time to start figuring out what we liked to eat…
How long it would take to walk to the local convenience store and post office….
And to figure out what we were going to do about the car situation, since the truck decided to go kaput the night before we got married. 🙂 It was also time to start researching what sort of tools Daniel would need to start purchasing to replace the ones he sold in Australia, as we wanted to build a chicken coop and furniture for the house. That meant hanging out at the Home Depot…
A lot. 😀
We also stocked the freezer with the basics. Which is basically ice cream. Y’all already know we have a history with that….. 😉
Daniel found a listing for a Ford explorer on Facebook that looked interesting, so we went to check it out. We both loved the car, and decided that she was going to be the latest addition to our car family.
Her name is “Macy”. 😀
Macy came in very handy a bit later that week, when we found the couches for our living room.
A day or so after we got the couches, we started discussing about how fun it would be to take Macy out on a road trip and see how she did. We kicked the idea back and forth for a while and then decided that we should DEFINITELY take her on a road trip and see how we liked it.
The question then was where to go…I suggested Cades Cove in Tennessee. It was starting to get a little cooler, so I figured it might be pretty this time of year. A bit more debating and we decided we were going to leave the next day.
We packed our bags and loaded the car!
The first stop was the mechanic shop, just to have her looked over and make sure everything was good for a 1,000 mile+ adventure. They topped everything up and declared her fit and ready. We were actually doing this!
Coffee… can’t do a road trip without coffee. 😉
First we drove into Georgia:
And then we crossed over into Tennessee!
Hello, Tennessee! The SuperShevy’s are excited to see you. 🙂
Cades Cove was so, *so* beautiful. We could have easily spent several more hours (maybe even a couple more days!) exploring the area and taking it all in.
Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church
One of the other churches…I can’t remember which one this one was, but it was really pretty on the inside!
Some of the other buildings that we got to see and walk through:
Kiss stealing…. 😉
Here is some video footage from the working waterwheel mill at Cades Cove:
Us in front of the waterwheel!
More mountain views… <3
Riding through Cades Cove….
At this point, we were so close to North Caroline that we decided to drive on over…why not, right? 😀
A sweet couple saw us trying to get our picture in front of this sign, and offered to take a picture for us. They did, and then asked us to take a picture of them in front of the sign, explaining that they were back celebrating their wedding anniversary. When they were there for their honeymoon, nobody was there to take a picture of them both, so that only had a picture of the wife in front of the sign. They were tickled to death about it and we were too- it was a very sweet moment. <3
Daniel grabbing a picture of the mountains…
Before too long, we were ready to come home. We tracked out our route and saw where we would be going through a Cherokee Indian reservation if we went back a particular way. It was a very interesting thing to see!
We also realized that we could go straight through South Carolina and add another state to our little mini-road trip roster, and so we did. 😀
We stopped for breakfast at a Cracker Barrel…couldn’t resist the opportunity to take another rings pic either. 😉
We slowly but surely made our way back to our little home in the valley, with a fresh adventure under our belt, and the plans for many new ones in mind for later. We had such a delightful time and can’t wait to see where the Lord leads us next!
Stay tuned for more about us getting settled into our house and a general sense of routine. It’s been so nice to get the blog here somewhat caught up. 🙂
Until next time,
Mrs. SuperShevy